Friday, November 29, 2019

The Importance of the arts in schools Essay Example For Students

The Importance of the arts in schools Essay The Importance of the arts in schools ay: Edwin rexes The arts in my opinion are one of the greatest things most American schools can offer _ Some people believe that the arts arent needed in schools because supposedly they re useless. But guess what, Im here to prove those people wrong. Personally could tell you plenty Of reasons the arts are extremely helpful for students all over America. Now that I think about it why dont I tell you! You know What Will and by the time Im done With this essay youll be completely convinced that the arts are significant and completely necessary. The first reason he arts are beneficial would have to be that the arts encourage kids to build self-confidence. I mean if you havent noticed kids these days care more about what others think of them than what they think of themselves. This happens a lot because many of these kids or students lack self-confidence. We will write a custom essay on The Importance of the arts in schools specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now But when some students decide to enroll in lets say a theatre class and they discover that having fun and exploring new ways of art can help them forget their insecurities, People may think that a student gaining self-confidence means nothing and there wrong because that means a lot, Besides that the fact that a simple theatre class can hang how a student sees themselves and make them feel confident that my friend is truly beautiful. The second reason why the arts are useful for schools is that the arts help students improve their learning success. In fact a University in California did a study using 25,000 middle and high school students and they found that the students participating in the arts did better on Standardized tests than those who werent. Besides that the arts help with learning because the teachers who teach the arts always make sure to motivate their students and that actually really helps. Also the arts help teach more reading and language kills, thinking skills, and even social skills. Most importantly the arts contain positive school environment because everyone in the arts are in forced to respect each other. Meaning that students can feel comfortable going to school without troubles but With peace! The final reason Why the arts are beneficial is that the arts help students express themselves. Many students find it hard to express themselves. But with the arts expressing yourself can be as easy as reciting the A, B, CSS. The more students that choose to express themselves through the arts. The easier it becomes to try new things. I mean what better than the arts to express yourself! You can sing your feelings, write about them or act about them so many possibilities! That was my third and final reason on how the arts are beneficial. Now those are all three reasons on how the arts are beneficial and helpful to schools. My point is that the arts are amazing and that they can help students in so many ways, I hope that now you are convinced that the arts are one tooth most marvelous things we have in American schools.

Monday, November 25, 2019

1984 Quotes Explained

1984 Quotes Explained George Orwells novel Nineteen Eighty-Four was written as a response to what he saw as the rise of authoritarian and totalitarian thinking in the world both before and after World War II. Orwell foresaw how the combination of control over information (such as the constant editing of documents and photos under Joseph Stalin in the Soviet Union) and constant efforts at thought control and indoctrination (such as that practiced under Chairman Mao’s ‛cultural revolution’ in China) could result in a surveillance state. He set out to demonstrate his fears with the novel that has permanently changed the way we discuss the subject of freedom, giving us words like ‛Thoughtcrime’ and phrases like ‛Big Brother is watching you.’ Quotes About Control of Information Winston Smith works for the Ministry of Truth, where he alters the historical record to match the Party’s propaganda. Orwell understood that control of information without the objective check on such power provided by a free press would allow governments to essentially change reality. In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it ... And what was terrifying was not that they would kill you for thinking otherwise, but that they might be right. For, after all, how do we know that two and two make four? Or that the force of gravity works? Or that the past is unchangeable? If both the past and the external world exist only in the mind, and if the mind itself is controllable†¦what then? Orwell took inspiration from a real event in Russia where the communist party celebrated reaching a production goal in four years instead of five by proclaiming that the workers had made 225. In this quote he notes that we only ‛know’ things that have been taught to us, and thus our reality can be changed. In Newspeak there is no word for Science. Newspeak is the most crucial concept in the novel. It is a language designed to make disagreement with the Party impossible. This goal is achieved by eliminating all vocabulary and grammatical constructions that could be construed as critical or negative. For example, in Newspeak, the word bad does not exist; if you wanted to call something bad, you would have to use the word ungood. Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in ones mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them. Doublethink is another important concept Orwell explores in the novel, because it makes the Party members complicit in their own oppression. When one is able to believe two conflicting things to be true, truth ceases to have any meaning outside what the state dictates. Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past. People represent history through their own memories and identities. Orwell is careful to note the vast generation gap opening up in Oceania; the children are enthusiastic members of the Thought Police, but the older people like Winston Smith retain memories of the time before, and thus must be treated like all history- altered by force if possible, eliminated and erased if not. Quotes About Totalitarianism Orwell used Nineteen Eighty-Four to explore the dangers of authoritarianism and totalitarian forms of government. Orwell was deeply suspicious of the tendency of governments to become self-perpetuating oligarchies, and he saw how easily people’s worst tendencies could be subverted to the will of an authoritarian regime. â€Å"A hideous ecstasy of fear and vindictiveness, a desire to kill, to torture, to smash faces in with a sledge hammer, seemed to flow through the whole group of people ... turning one even against ones will like an electric current, turning one even against ones will into a grimacing, screaming lunatic.† One technique Orwell explores is directing the unavoidable fear and anger experienced by the population away from the Party and the state. In the modern world, authoritarian demagogues often direct this anger towards immigrant groups and other ‛outsiders.’ â€Å"Sexual intercourse was to be looked on as a slightly disgusting minor operation, like having an enema. This again was never put into plain words, but in an indirect way it was rubbed into every Party member from childhood onwards.† This quote demonstrates how the state has invaded even the most private aspects of life, dictating sexual mores and controlling the most intimate aspects of daily life through misinformation, peer pressure, and direct thought control. â€Å"All beliefs, habits, tastes, emotions, mental attitudes that characterize our time are really designed to sustain the mystique of the Party and prevent the true nature of present-day society from being perceived.† Orwell cleverly makes Emmanuel Goldstein’s book an accurate explanation of totalitarianism. Goldsteins book, Goldstein himself, and The Brotherhood may well be part of a ruse created by the Party to snare would-be rebels like Winston and Julia; nevertheless, the book lays out how a totalitarian government sustains its hold on power, in part by controlling outward expression, which has a direct effect on inward thought. Quotes About Destruction of the Self In the novel, Orwell is warning us about the ultimate goal of such governments: The absorption of the individual into the state. In democratic societies, or at least one which have a sincere respect for democratic ideals, the individual’s right to their beliefs and opinions is respected- indeed, it’s the foundation of the political process. In Orwell’s nightmare vision, therefore, the key goal of the Party is destruction of the individual. The thought police would get him just the same. He had committedwould have committed, even if he had never set pen to paperthe essential crime that contained all others in itself. Thoughtcrime, they called it. Thoughtcrime was not a thing that could be concealed forever. You might dodge successfully for a while, even for years, but sooner or later they were bound to get you. Thoughtcrime is the essential concept of the novel. The idea that simply thinking something contrary to what the Party has decreed to be true is a crime- and then convincing people that its revelation was inevitable- is a chilling, terrifying idea that requires people to self-edit their thoughts. This, combined with Newspeak, makes any sort of individual thought impossible. For an instant he was insane, a screaming animal. Yet he came out of the blackness clutching an idea. There was one and only one way to save himself. He must interpose another human being, the body of another human being, between himself and the rats. ... Do it to Julia! Do it to Julia! Not me! Julia! I dont care what you do to her. Tear her face off, strip her to the bones. Not me! Julia! Not me! Winston initially endures his torture with desolate resignation, and holds onto his feelings for Julia as a final, private, untouchable part of his inner self. The Party is uninterested in merely getting Winston to recant or confess- it wishes to completely destroy his sense of self. This final torture, based on a primal fear, accomplishes this by making Winston betray the one thing he had left of his private self.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Take home mid term (nonresearch other than course readings) Essay

Take home mid term (nonresearch other than course readings) - Essay Example The social structure that we have is dictated by our economics. Class and stratification come about as a result of economic opportunity. Groups that struggle for equal rights pin their demands on the need for economic equality and equal pay. Efforts to create new social institutions are done so not with speeches and persuasion, but with economic motivations. Barrington Moore's argument that economic trends are a better predictor of political behavior is certainly true in America. America was built on free market economics and has molded the way we perceive our class system and our social programs. The American Revolution was unique in that it was not a revolution that overthrew an existing system, but was rather a fight for independence that was in the process of building a system of government. Historians have, at times, noted the multiple roles of America's revolution and termed it a liberal-republic or exclusionary republic. John Adams observed with some pride that America had turned "their backs on Europe's class-ridden corporate society, for rejecting the canon and feudal law" (Hartz 322). This viewpoint painted America as a Democratic Republic in which each individual was a participant in their own fate. Indeed, there was little to overthrow when America was created. It was the most orderly and free society in the world and there was a movement to preserve that tradition. Sam Adams was less hopeful and predicted that all systems, however free, would eventually fall prey to man's tyranny and the "passions of Men that are fixed and timeless" (Hartz 324). The American Revolution created a free republic that was still in its infancy. There was freedom that was unknown to Europeans as Hartz notes that, "millions of Europeans have fled to America to discover the freedom of Paine, there have been a few Americans, only a few of course, who have fled to Europe to discover the freedom of Burke" (336). This freedom was not only in political thought and social structure, but also economics. Free market economics demanded freedoms of political thought and this was not overlooked by Franklin. Franklin was more absorbed with the philosophy of economics than that of politics and was revered for the philosophy by which Poor Richard lived more than for the Almanac itself (Hartz 332). From this aspect America was a rugged Republicanism that was exclusionary by necessity. They were building a society with deliberate frugality. The deliberate course of events created a free market republic, yet many economic sectors were dependent upon the oppression of slaves and women. Their freedoms, built into the constitution, would not be realized for centuries. Still, the free Republic was inevitable as Hartz writes, "When men have already inherited the freest society in the world, and are grateful for it, their thinking is bound to be of a solider type (324). This soldier mentality has been the impetus for the steady progress toward the building of the Republic as it was founded and it was intended. 3a.) James Madison's Political Thought James Madison, one of the most influential founding fathers of the constitution, was a complicated political thinker whose enigma, has at times, been interpreted as inconsistent. Madison began his life born into wealth and privilege offering him a liberal education in one of America's finest universities. Madison was a man of

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

No topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

No topic - Essay Example Some women had been married by Americans during the Second World War. The Chinese fled from China from Communism and settled in various towns such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago and Boston. Their immigration was in line with the 1965 act, which lessened the restrictions on Asian immigration. Most of them enrolled for education and worked their way up the social ladder. The Asian Exclusion Act had prevented the immigration of Asians laborers. The social mobility is also associated with their economic development within the ethnic group. Geographically, the Chinese immigrants are known to be settled in peculiar China towns in the American society. New immigrants often join them and continue living in ethnic groups. Chinese tradition is upheld and often consulted for dispute settlement and provision of moral guidelines. A portion of the Chinese immigrant is illiterate.    The Japanese immigrants are spread within the American society. They engaged in business beyond their ethn ic group and obtained  higher level of education. They immigrants have values which go along with the American values such as respect, hard work and politeness. Education is given importance and most of the Japanese immigrants are literate. A large number of the immigrants have professional education or technical skills in specific field. Creating and maintaining relationships is significant hence they use such relationships to form business groups. It can be argued that they have integrated in the American society. California enacted a bill that restricted Japanese immigrants. Those who were contracted as laborers were able to become proprietors and they seemed to be a threat, thus foreigners were forbid from owning land. Asians and other immigrants took the place of the minority. Immigrants were required to poses a passport. Obtaining citizenship was a challenge and many remained as non-citizens. Restrictions on contracted laborers were enacted to secure employment for the Ameri can citizens. They could not vote or have any political representation. Many lived in fear of deportation. Those who needed services from the justice system feared being denied the services because of their race and stereotypes. Notions such as Americans against them (Asians) were common. There were restrictions that that required the immigrants to obtain a certain level of literacy. Asian immigrants are one of the fastest groups of immigrants with majority obtaining education and securing high income. They have maintained their identity and cultural values. The Immigrants remained few in number until the end of the Second World War. 2 Immigration patterns have been influences by the American stance after the Second World War. American foreign policy on immigration has been encouraging supremacy and global leadership and disassociating with isolation. The war brides act and the Lece Celler Act allowed the women engaged and married by Americans to immigrate. The act allowed a specifi c number of people in a year. Other immigrants who were refugees of war were also allowed. They gained citizenship and could seek for employment and enroll for education. After the Second World War, many immigrants were absorbed in the labor industry. Many of the women who had been called to join in the war returned to their homes while others remained. Many immigrants worked their way up the social ladder by enrolling for education and seeking

Monday, November 18, 2019

Conscious Obedience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Conscious Obedience - Essay Example In a very general sense, everyone obeys out of their own self-interest. However, this places the fear of punishment on an equal plane with the promise of a reward and does not shed much light on the underlying reasons. The question that needs to be answered is; what self-interest are we fulfilling when we obey Kelman and Hamilton argue that obedience comes from one of three rationalizations. Compliance for self-interest, acknowledgment of authority, or ethical concerns (Tyler 1090). A person may comply with the request to work overtime at no pay in hopes of getting a promotion. In their identification of authority model, a person may act against their better judgment if the boss orders them to take an illegal action. People also have the capacity to exercise free will and act according to their own value system. Psychological theorists can help explain obedience by examining the motivation behind the reward we receive for compliance. Maslow would describe the humanist viewpoint as obeying to gain respect and recognition from authority. Skinner would see obedience as a natural conditioned reaction to doing what we are told. Bronfenbrenner describes a myriad of authorities that we obey on an individual or group level. The echological argument holds that patriotism is obedience to nationalism. Obedience can take many forms and the authority may be abstract. Young children may obey their parents because they understand it is the right thing to do and is an ethical decision. It may be self-interest, as they will obey them to avoid their parent's punishment, or to gain a reward. However, a child's inner logic may not be apparent through their actions alone. Children who have been abused, neglected, or feel abandoned may withdraw and suffer from defeatism (Singer, Dornenbal, and Okma, 601). They will display obedience though it may not be for the self-interest that it appears. In a study of children by Singer, Dornenbal, and Okma, the researchers found significantly more foster children offered little or no resistance to parental authority than their birthchildren counterparts (596). Birthchildren had a much higher incidence of offering fierce resistance in a disciplinary conflict than foster children (596). In the case of the foster children, the researchers noted that, "Their main goal is unilateral-self-saving [...] Their main interests are fear of punishment and a feeling of powerlessness" (601). The birthchildren that were offering intense rebellion were said to have, " [...] unilateral coercive goals to get their own way" (594). The birthchildren were acting in self-interest to exploit the parental authority's lack of resolve, while the foster children were obeying for self-preservation. As children grow into adulthood, they will for the most part become more aware of the need for obedience. The cost of punishment by law enforcement will generally get most people to abide by acceptable customs. The need for a steady paycheck will insure that they will put their feelings aside when taken advantage of in the workplace. They may rationalize to themselves, and others, that they are being obedient in order to live up to a moral or ethical standard. Adults may allow

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Criminology Essays Drug Crime Assessment

Criminology Essays Drug Crime Assessment A Critical Assessment of the Supposed Relationship Between Drug Use and Crime. Introduction In the United Kingdom and many other countries statistics show that there is a significant relationship between recreational drug use and crime (Bean, 2004). What is unclear, however, is the nature of the relationship between drug use and crime and this has resulted in much discussion. In particular the relationship between crime and the use of illegal drugs, such as heroin and cocaine has been a major area of research and debate. Therefore, this report will concentrate on the link between illicit drug use and crime. The definition of drug-related crime excludes violations of drug laws and includes acts of crimes that are committed by people who are using drugs or in the course of buying drugs or selling (Stevens, 2005). Several theories have been developed which attempt to establish what the relationship is between drug use and crime and these will be discussed. Drug use leads to crime This idea is based on the notion that drug use leads to and crime. Goldstien (1985) proposed the relationship between violent crime and drug use can be classified into three categories. Firstly, psycho-pharmacological i.e., the physical properties of the drug affect the users mind in a way that leads to violent behaviour. Secondly, systemic i.e., violent behaviour is the normal and expected behaviour of the drug scene culture. Finally, economic-compulsive i.e., the addictive nature of the drug leads the user to engage in violent behaviour to steal items in order to resell them to fund their drug habit. This is probably the most widely accepted link between drug use and crime (Stevens, 2005). Research used to support that drug use leads to crime relies on the assumption that a lot of crime is committed by people who are drug users. The research invariably falls into two types. Firstly, offenders who have been caught are tested for drug use. This scheme, called The Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring (ADAM) programme, has been implemented in England and Wales and in at least eight other countries (Stevens et al, 2005). The findings of ADAM show that a high proportion of people arrested tested positive for illegal drugs. For example, in 1998/9, 740 people arrested in England and Wales were tested for drug use and 69% of them tested positive, (Taylor, 2002). In addition, Ahmad and Mwenda (2004) state that 113,500 people in 2002 were dealt with by means of a caution or conviction for drug use. The second line of evidence to support the notion that drug use leads to crime is obtained from treatment studies. These studies assess the criminal activity of drug users who are undergoing treatment for their drug-use problem. For example, Best et al (2001) interviewed 100 dependent drug users who were receiving treatment and found 56% of the drug users engaged in acquisition crime. Both the above methods of research have been heavily criticised. Bean (2004), for example, points out that not all offenders use illicit drugs or are dependent on drugs. Also, not all dependent offenders commit crime. In addition, measures used to assess drug use can produce misleading results. One example is that urinalysis compares different drugs that are detectable in the urine for different lengths of time and this could bias the results obtained from such studies. Treatment studies have been criticised because they rely on self-assessment of offenders. This runs the risk of offenders exaggerating or minimising their use of drugs. In addition, treatment studies such as Best et al (2001) have failed to establish the sequence of the two events of drug use and crime. Knowing whether individuals committed crime before or after they started being involved in drug use is crucial in helping to establish whether drug use leads to crime. Allen (2005) addressed this issue by using sequence studies. Sequencing studies set out to establish the pattern of drug use and crime behaviour in the individuals receiving treatment for drug use. Allen (2005) found that out of a sample of 26 individuals that 23 had been arrested for criminal offending before using drugs and therefore there was no evidence that drug use leads to crime. Also, in another study Nurco (1987) found that criminals sometimes continue to commit crime after they have stopped using drugs. Allen (2005) also investigated why people became drug dependent. It was found that the development of dependency was partly because of both the normality of the crime and the use of drugs and partly because of important traumatic events that occurred in their lives, such as sexual abuse or bereavement. It was also found that many drug addicts attempted to successfully manage their drug habit without resorting to crime, such as gaining money by begging. Moreover, when they resorted to crime it was likely to be non-personal crimes such as shoplifting. In Allens view people exist within subcultures in which crime is acceptable and then at critical moments in their lives they become dependent on drugs. If drug use leads to crime then it has important implications because reducing drug use would in turn reduce the level of crime. It is also an extremely popular idea and in 2002 the UK government underlined their view that drug use does indeed lead to crime. The government implemented the Street Crime Initiative, which included making drug treatment available within 24hours for drug users who were arrested for street crime offences. The assumption was that treating offenders for their drug problem would break the link between drug use and street crime and therefore stop the cycle of re-offending. However, in light of the discussed criticisms the effectiveness of such crime prevention is highly questionable. Crime leads to drug use Just as there are views that drug use leads to crime there is also a view that crime leads to drug use. If such a relationship exists then this would also have important implications in the development of any polices: if crime leads to drug use then reducing drug use would not reduce crime, whereas reducing crime would reduce drug use. Three models exist to support that crime leads to drug use (Bean, 2004). Firstly, there is the subcultural theory, which suggests that individuals who are involved in criminal subcultures are more likely to participate in criminal and antisocial behaviour including drug use. Secondly, situational control theory suggests that crime allows the promotion of unrestricted conduct. Thirdly, self-medication suggests that individuals can have an underlying problem that is responsible for their criminal actions so therefore they take drugs to deal with the problem. The theory that crime leads to drug use, as with the view that drug use leads to crime, appears too simplistic. The evidence reviewed so far does not support the unidirectional causal relationship between drug use and crime. This has led to the development of an alternative theory that views the link between drug use and crime as a complex interaction between many causal events. The causal web theory The causal web view rejects the idea that crime leads to drug use and vice versa. Instead, the theory views the relationship between drug use and crime to be interconnected or both elements are affected by alternative variables. Bean (2004) suggests there are four types of theory related to the causal web model. Firstly, common origin theory suggests that drug use and crime develop from the same source, such as anti-social syndrome (Farrington 1997). Secondly, the reciprocal model where the relationship between drug use and crime are viewed as bi-directional i.e., both are dependent on each other and therefore mutually reinforced. Thirdly, the spurious or co-morbidity model that posits that drug use and crime occur in unison but this is by chance. Lastly, the policy model suggests that the link between drug use and crime is a result of the impact of the criminal justice policy. Many studies have failed to show any general link between drugs and crime (see da Agra, 2002, Byquist Olsen 1998). This supports the notion that there is a complex system of interactions between drugs and crime. The causal web theory, therefore, seems the best way to view the relationship between drugs and crime. The causal web theory recognises that many people who commit crime do use drugs but views the relationship between the two as extremely complex. Conclusion Recent findings suggest that theories supporting a unidirectional causal relationship between drug use and crime are over-simplistic. In contrast, the evidence strongly suggests that the relationship between drug use and crime is a complex one involving many interactions. This complexity must be considered if polices aimed at reducing drug-related crime are to be implemented effectively. Polices that only focus on one part of the drug-crime link are unlikely to succeed if another part is ignored. Future research is essential in teasing out the specific interactions between the relationship of drug use and crime and this will help in the development of effective strategies to deal with the issue. References Ahmad, M. Mwenda, L. (2004) Drug Seizure and Offender Statistics, United Kingdom, 2001 2002, Home Office Statistical Bulletin August. London: Home Office. Allen, J. Komy, E.L., Lovbakke, J. Roy, H. (2005) policing and the criminal Justice System-public confidence and perceptions: findings from the 2003/4 British Crime Survey. Home Office On-line Report 31/05. London: Home office. Bean, P (2004) Drugs and Crime. Cullompton Willan Second edition. Best, D., Sidwell, C., Gossop, M., Harris, J. and Strang, J. (2001) Crime and Expenditure Among Polydrug Misusers Seeking Treatment. British Journal of Criminology, 41, p. 119 126. Bur, A (1987) Chasing the Dragon: Heroin Misuse, Dependency and Crime in the context of South London Culture. The British Journal of Criminology, 27 (4), 333-357. da Agra, C. (2002). The complex structures, processes and meanings of the drug/crime relationship. In S. Brochu, Cda Agra, M Cousineau (Eds). Drugs and Crime Deviant Pathways. Aldershot. Ashgate. Farrington, D (1997) Human Development and Criminal Careers in Maguire, M et al. The oxford Handbook of Criminology. Oxford. Goldstein, P (1985) The drug-violence nexus; a tripartite framework. Journal of Drug Issues (Fall), 493-506. Hayes, P (1993) a view from the probation service in Russell, J (ed) Alcohol Hayes, P Russell, J (ed) Alcohol and Crime, London: Mental Health Foundation. Nurco, D.W (1987) Drug addiction and crime: A complicated issue. British Journal of Addictions, 82, 7-9. Stevens A, Trace, M and Bewley-Taylor.D (2005) Reducing drug related crime: an overview of the global evidence. Beckley Foundation Drug Policy Programme. Taylor, (2002). I-ADAM in Eight Countries: Approaches and Challenges. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Bans on Cigarette Advertising Does NOT Stop Smoking :: Argumentative Persuasive Example Essays

Bans on Cigarette Advertising Does NOT Stop Smoking   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Since 1971, the cigarette industry has not been allowed to advertise on radio and television. However, the ban has not worked as well as it was planned to work. The reasons are that advertisements are not the primary reason that teens take up smoking. Another reason is that the industry has gotten around the ban by using forms of hidden advertising and corporate sponsorship. The industry has also heavily relied on the print media to advertise its product. Smoking has become influential due to many different forms of advertising.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Up until 1971, cigarettes had been advertised like any other consumer product, but health concerns led to a government-imposed ban on broadcast advertising. â€Å"July 27, 1965, Congress approved the Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act. The Federal Cigarette Labeling Act and Advertising Act was passed to establish a comprehensive program to deal with cigarette labeling and advertising† (Holak 220). â€Å"This law made it impossible for any person to manufacture, import or package cigarettes without the following statement clearly labeled on the box: Caution: Cigarette Smoking May Be Hazardous To Your Health† (Altman 95). Any person or company that was found guilty of violating this Act upon conviction was subject to a fine of not more then ten thousand dollars. Cigarettes manufactured or packaged for export form the United States were not required to label this. The Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act took effect on January 1, 1 996.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Four years later, Congress approved another Act: the Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act of 1996. There were two major changes. First, the statement required on cigarette packages was changed to â€Å"Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous To Your Health† (Altman 97). Second, it stated that after January 1, 1971 it shall be unlawful to advertise cigarettes on any medium of electronic communication.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Fifteen years later, Congress approved the comprehensive Smoking Education Act. This Act was yet another amendment to the Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act. Once again the statement required that all cigarette packages to be changed. The packages must now have one of the following labels: â€Å"SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy† or â€Å"SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING: Quitting Smoking Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks To Your Health† or â€Å"SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING: Smoking By Pregnant Women May Result In Fetal Injury, Premature Birth, And Low Birth Weight† and lastly â€Å"SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING: Cigarette Smoke Contains Carbon Monoxide† (Brann 10).

Monday, November 11, 2019

Beyond Beyond Fashion

There is a trick of my writing teacher: When we finish reading an essay, first he asks: â€Å"What is it about? † We answer, then he asks:† If that's not what the essay is about, then what is it about? † So we answer again, striving to squeeze out every drop of intelligence out of our brain cells. Repetitively, after we are willingly tortured by this same question for three more rounds, the essence of the essay shows up. This was exactly the same feeling I received from the exhibition Charles James: Beyond Fashion, displayed by the Costume Institution of the Metropolitan Museum ofArt. Throughout the exhibition, I was asked this question over and over again: If fashion is not what the exhibition about, then what? Started from Maya and lasting until August 10, the special exhibition of Costume Institute of Metropolitan Museum presents the audience signature pieces of Charles James, an Anglo fashion designer who was active during the post-WWW 20th century in America. The exhibition is held in the special exhibition galleries on the Museum's first floor and The Costume Institute's Anna Winter Costume Center on the ground floor, including one small adjunct hall showing documents.Fifteen evening ball gowns and about fifty ready-to- wears are displayed. With intricate costumes, James first of all stood out as a king of fabric sculptor without crown beyond the simple definition of a fashion designer who made clothes that fit in the trend. The costumes were indeed â€Å"amazing†Ã¢â‚¬â€- quoting the most commonly used word of the visitors. James' original spiral cut, almost seamless design and the free draping technique are still not nearly comparable in the present day.They were not Just fashion, but sculptures that go around human body with full artistry and could stand the test of pure aesthetic examination. However, if the costumes were examined even beyond their tags of â€Å"fashion† and beyond their sculptural appearances, the int ention of these designs was actually in some degree provoking, if we examine the quotes of James that were written on the walls of the halls. A quote of James revealed that his ideal of fashion was largely sexual. â€Å"The feminine figure,† he believed, was â€Å"intrinsically wrong†.Thereby he claimed, â€Å"All my seams have meaning, they emphasize something about the body. † In this way, he striver to â€Å"perfect† the female body, however destroying the natural beauty of female odd at the same time. As a result, the innate motive beyond the fashion appearance of these designs was sexism aesthetics of the traditional malpractice, which should have been eliminated a long time ago. James' fastidious and male-centric aesthetic of female figure beyond his ability as an artist was further revealed by details in his designs. In the actual practice, James overemphasized the female parts.First, the tops gather into sharp and pointing horn. This design was ma de possible by darts of the gowns' tops following the traditional Rococo corset, which once made the teenage arils and young wives' waistlines tiny but at the same time cruelly took away many of their lives. At the same time, the bottoms of gowns spread widely. Either the gowns had big volume of piled-up drapes on the hip, or they were supported directly by two bustles, which was also a typical classic masculine aesthetic that addressed female's ability of bearing kids.Overall, James' costumes remade a women's body into a funnel shape. In addition, the bosoms were preferably shaped as cones, which presented women lasciviously. Even in the Victorian times, this male-dominant esthetics was giggly controversial for these characteristics defined females simply attractive in the way of a reproduction and bearing machine. In the post World War II America, after the liberation of female body brought by the ‘H' dresses, this Victorian renaissance was a recess that brought female back into the prison of clothes.Rather, in today's aspect, these aesthetics of female body are morbid. For females, it is the blood and tears in females' costume history. These characteristics, as â€Å"beautiful† as some might consider, are dross of the Victorian culture that should never be reused to improve he figure or even hinted in a modern design. I have to say, peeking into the motive of the designer, I saw an egocentric though man who are arrogant in the way he examining females. Finally, the end of the exhibition explored what truly was beyond this fashion designer Charles James explored even deeper.Beyond a fashion godfather, a king of fabric sculpturing, and a self-involved and orthodox masculine artiest, the documentary hall showed James as a person. Traditional mannequins and sketches were shown. While at the meantime, the document room also showed he videos clips of James kissing his finale model on her cheek before going on the runway, and an important list of cele brities and artists typed by James that James would like to design for. The tone of the list was playful, ironic and effusive. There were as well glowing critics, basically eulogies.In this room, though most people do not linger in it, the most interesting information what the artist was available, and it gave anyone who wanted to look deeper into the motive and inspiration of him a lucid answer: genially eccentric, Charles James' boldness and arrogance toward there led to his unceasing pursuit of perfection and the exploration of impossibility, which explained his surprising designs and the elaborate way of fabricating the costumes. As an exhibition of the Metropolitan museum, there were some commendable displaying methods in this exhibition indeed.The exhibition started with a theatrical opening. At the entrance, the world darkened down, and with the wall showing the name of the exhibition and a classic walking mannequin (a woman-shape body model) of James, the bright outer world and the dark inside world were clearly vided. There was as if a magical twilight moment, indicating the arrival of something brilliant in the darkness. After the prologue, I was almost brought into Sesame's studio on 699 Madison Street by muslin samples of his gowns posing around his famous â€Å"butterfly' sofa, recreating the scene of the studio and the salon of James.Inside the hall, the gowns were arranged in a spiral shape, going around his best- known masterpiece: Clover Leaf Ball Gown 1953. The x-ray analysis as well as the animation simulator explained the inner structure of the clothes by showing the involutes plastic bones and complicated drapes in the layers of fabric. The application of new technology treated fashion so scientifically —-as if a real piece of architecture—-that it gave even the most general audience a chance to think about the materialist word â€Å"fashion† in a whole new way.On the pads that showed the information of exhibits, a fe w hints about this sexual intentions of James' designs by showing the costumes of inspiration from the Victorian time, without explaining the underlying meaning of the original design. Though implicit about the word â€Å"sexual†, Hess pictures purposefully gave the audience a clue to the intention but still left them room to think that what was truly beyond fashion beside the artsy structure, allowing their own interpretation.Deliberately, the exposition of the clothes revealed the museum's respect to the master James, for his elaborate effort paid beneath the fabric. Furthermore, the exhibition's respect was also to the audience, as the museum brought fashion back to the ground, accessible to a general audience, while it respect the individual thinking by leading the audience to think about what was truly beyond cushion instead of giving out a definite answer. Still, compare to the art value of the exhibits, the display of the exhibition was fairly not a highlight.The light ing in the main halls was a disaster. Firstly, the semi-dark lighting environment in the black hall was a click. Comparing to other costume exhibitions at the Met Museum, this technique was so widely used that this trick did not tell anything about the artist. It was even anti-characteristic. James had a preference for dark colors. However, the semi darkness created a hostile environment for the audience to see the details. Especially since flash was not allowed, without a professional camera, I could not capture any details of the dark coats and gowns beside their silhouettes.And since the photos could not be used as long-term documents, the educational function of the museum in this aspect was largely sacrificed. Additionally, the semi-darkness also brought a sense of heaviness to the costumes. To illustrate, one of the best-known gown called â€Å"Swan† was named for the lightness of the peplum, which was composed of six layers of delicate chiffon. Nonetheless, with the li ghting, I did not see the eighteens at all because the semi-dark casting light could not go through and light up the costume like natural light.Therefore, what I saw was an impenetrable broom instead of the airy dress, which was not influenced by gravity. Overall, the display was mismatched with the costumes, even though there were few novel techniques applied. The masterpieces were as if sunk in a Jar platitude. The title Beyond Fashion made me feel confused and enthralled when I first stepped in that dark hall, yet I felt illuminated and preoccupied when I stepped back to the bright outer world. The exhibition successfully pushed one to think about the essence beyond appearance by presenting the costumes in different layers and angles.An audience could feel the question of what was beyond fashion throughout the exhibition. The magic would not happen until the very end, where one could confidently give out his/her own answer, like the answer to fifth round of questioning of my writ ing teacher. As for me, beyond fashion, beyond structure, beyond male chauvinism and beyond all his drama, I saw an aloof, fastidious, nostalgic, self- involved, narcissistic yet incredibly serious and genius about fashion soul of this master, this man.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Suicide Essays

Suicide Essays Suicide Essay Suicide Essay Teenage years are the hardest times. Your having changes in your body, going through relationships, and trying to plan your future. When you go to look for answers, it seems like no one has them. Thats what starts teenagers to feel alone. When they feel this way they will try to medicate themselves by drugs and alcohol or violence. Studies show that teens who feel this way are Suicide, intentional, self-inflicted death. A uniquely human act, suicide occurs in all cultures. People who attempt or complete suicide usually suffer from extreme emotional pain and distress and feel unable to cope with their problems. They are likely to suffer from mental illness, particularly severe depression, and to Suicide is becoming a public-health problem. It is now the leading cause of death worldwide. Researchers believe mental illness in young people are the cause of the increase in suicide. Not only do suicides rates differ between age groups but also men and women. Men succeed in more suicide s but more women attempt. Methods of suicide can differ from drug overdose to hanging. Poisoning or overdose is the least amount of suicide rates. Hanging is the leading method worldwide. The United States has 60 percent suicides committed by guns. Where it is less easy to get a gun in Canada there is only 30 percent committed suicides. Only 15 to 25 percent of those who kill themselves leave suicide notes. People often think suicide is caused by difficult situations such as failure in school or marriage. Experts believe those are just triggers and its really caused by the brain, genetics or social forces. The majority of people who kill themselves are suffering from depression. Researchers believe that genetics play a role in suicidal behavior. They believe it runs in the family. There are also some psychological theories.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Final Essays

Final Essays Final Essay Final Essay Essay Topic: Uncle Toms Children Name: Course: Lecturer: Date: : Final Stereotypes can be defined as popular beliefs of specific characteristics in relation to a specific group or type of individual members and usually it has an assumption that the members of the specific group or the individual members have certain similarities, which are common to all. Stereotype is usually based on assumptions, which do not have any facts; therefore, it can be said it does not have any proof. Stereotype can be either a positive or a negative feeling towards a certain specific social group. Prejudice can be defined as a judgment, which is made prior getting any proof, and it is usually baseless and it has a negative feeling/attitude towards a certain specific group or a type of individual members. It is usually an exaggeration of the characteristics of other members of certain social groups in relation to why they are different from the members of our own specific social group. It has a negative feeling and a discriminative behavior that characterizes it, which is not based on emotions towards a certain specific social group. Lastly, discrimination can be defined as the treatment/behavior of attacking other members of a certain group, which is usually unfair. Discrimination is usually based on the different characteristics portrayed by certain members of a specific social group. It is characterized by its prejudice behavior, which is usually negative. Additionally, discrimination usually involves emotions and actions towards other members of another specific social group based on their specific characteristics, which are different from themselves. The three terms, stereotype, prejudice, and discrimination contain some differences, which can be clearly noted. One of the differences is that stereotypes and prejudice do not express emotions as opposed to discrimination where it expresses emotion and actions towards individual members of other specific social groups. Stereotypes and prejudice only expresses their feelings in form of comments, which distinguishes them from other social groups, but discrimination expresses both the feelings and emotions, which are then transferred into actions against other specific individual members of certain specific groups. For instance, in prejudice and stereotypes, they can say, â€Å"the Mexicans are not very clever.† In discrimination, they can attack them directly by avoiding the members of the social group (Mexicans) or vandalizing their property or other things. This can also be seen clearly in the job market where one can be employed based on the three terms. Another difference, which can be clearly seen in the three terms, is that discrimination and prejudice are only negative towards other members of different social groups but stereotypes can be either positive or negative. For example, in prejudice and discrimination we can say that â€Å"the black people are very people† but in stereotype we can ether say that â€Å"the black people are very hardworking† or â€Å"the black folk are very poor.† The positive side is that the black people are hardworking. This shows that the positive attributes of the black people as compared to the others where they have only shown the negative side of the black people, which is they are poor and it is not always right. Lastly, they can be differentiated from each other from the effects, which they have on the other members of the other specific social groups. Discrimination and prejudice can cause a person to have low self-esteem in relation to the comments and actions made against them. These effects can lead to somebody having rigorous changes in behavior so that he/she can be accepted in a certain social group or he can be rebellious and attack back against the comment. In the case of stereotype, the case is not the same since it is not always negative. When it is positive, a person’s self-esteem can be raised and the person can be encourage to do more than his expectations. However, we can conclude that the three work hand in hand with one another. They both affect one another and one form can lead to the happening of the other. For example, when hiring people to lift boxes and heavy equipment in accompany the human resource manager might be stereotype and say, it is not good to hire the men who are not well built. This will lead to the decision of not hiring them, which is being prejudice and finally they will tend to avoid them in the performance of an interview, which is discrimination. Prejudice can influence can influence the social behavior of an individual in different ways. These different social behaviors can be shown in form of an example. For example, in the in the professional job market especially in the marketing division where a accompany wants to higher women to market their products. The human resource manager does not hire those women who are fat because they will not give the company a good image or they will not be able to attract customers. One of the women, who are fat, decides to go back home and start performing several exercises so that she could reduce and become beautiful. It can be concluded that due to the prejudice by the human resource manager by not employing fat women he has affected the social behavior of the women. The woman has started to exercise and yet she did not use to exercise before therefore, her social behavior has been affected A When I am in school, I always tend to avoid joining sports clubs because I might humiliate myself in the different games despite the fact that I might be very good in them. I did not want to enroll in any sporting activity where I would be performing in front of people. On the other hand, I have always been in the forefront in making jokes to those who humiliate themselves. Only when I was sure that I am good in something that was the only time I could join any club. I have concluded that, it is the fear of humiliation that has led me not to join the sporting activities. This fear that I have been having against joining these clubs have led to me not joining this certain clubs and yet I might be very talented in one of them like cheer leading or swimming. Therefore, it has made it difficult for me to tap my other potential talents, which I might be having.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Manhattan Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Manhattan Project - Essay Example In the quest for an atomic-powered weapon, the secrets of nuclear physics and chemistry were exposed. Following the theoretical assessment of producing a controllable nuclear chain reactor, physical engineering was employed to construct the specific mechanics required. Communication contributed as much to the success of the Manhattan Project as did scientific discovery. Although the creation of the first atomic weapon was clearly a technological triumph, the question of morality and responsibility to ethics will forever plague the topic. Regardless of whether America was morally justified in deploying atomic weaponry on Japan, though, the Manhattan Project will always be an excellent example of collaboration and communication in scientific and engineering fields. The Atomic Age, a period of incessant discovery and revelation of atomic and subatomic wonders - an age that revolutionized the physical world - began on a vacant playing field beneath the University of Chicago stadium on December 2, 1942. In the late afternoon of this momentous day, Fermi and Leo Szilard created the first controlled nuclear reactor, a model later reconstructed into five different reactor prototypes.[3] From the first controllable chain reaction to the dropping of atomic weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, the fields of physics, chemistry, and mathematics - the core disciplines of modern engineering - raced mercilessly ahead to godly enlightenment: the power of life and annihilation. The first atomic bomb, a weapon harnessing the devastating power of nuclear fission, was developed as an end to World War II and all war thereafter. Comprehension of the bomb and its historical development is attained by breaking the subject into three related components: chemistry, nuclear physics, and the practical engineering that realized the theoretical dream. The Chemistry Aspect Fission is an elementary chemical interaction between subatomic particles. Nuclear fission is defined as the splitting of an atom by nucleus bombardment. Atoms consist of three subatomic particles: negatively charged electrons, positively charged protons, and neutrons, which have no electrical charge. Atomic nuclei are dense cores of atoms composed of neutrons and protons, and are thus positively charged. Chemical reactions, from basic acid-base titrations to nuclear fission, involve the collision of atomic particles. Fission begins with the high-energy collision of neutrons with the nucleus of another atom. Protons cannot partake in nuclear bombardment because of the electrostatic repulsion between positively-charged protons and nuclei. For fission to proceed, a neutron fired at the atom must fuse with the nucleus, producing a less-stable isotope. The "heavy" atom, chemically volatile, will split into two stable atoms, discharge neutrons, and generate energy (in the form of Gamma radiation). The neutrons released are free to collide

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Case Study- The man who said no to Wal-Mart Study

- The man who said no to Wal-Mart - Case Study Example Almost no matter what you're selling, the gravitational force of Wal-Mart's 3,811 U.S. "doorways" is irresistible" (Fishman, 2006). So what would make Jim Wier the CEO of lawn-equipment maker Simplicity say no to Wal-Mart This research endeavors to unravel this mystery by critically evaluating the issues that arise from the case study and independent research. 1. From its inception Wal-Mart's center of attention has always been about Every Day Low Pricing, and that view remains to this day. Sam Walton in "Made in America." is quoted as saying that Wal-Mart is obsessed with having the lowest prices. On the other hand, according to Wier, snapper is obsessed with having differentiated, high-end, quality products" and not the price. These are two very different points of view. These differences in corporate objectives can also be glimpsed from sentiments by a Wal-Mart high-ranking executive that a trillion dollars in annual turnover for the group is not as unreal as it may sound while Wier's own sentiments don't seem to share this view. He says that snapper is not primarily as keen on volumes. Target Customers and Market Segmentation. Market segmentation is an issue that arises as we study the snapper/Wal-Mart case. It can be defined as the division of a market into subsets of prospects with similar characteristics that distinguish them as likely to purchase certain offerings. Walker, Mullins, Boyd & Larreche. (2006). There are different categories of need that an offering satisfies and customers fit in different categories depending on their needs. Wal-Mart for all its worth uses low price as its key marketing and competitive strategy and often targets lower and lower middle-class customers. These low prices have another advantage in that they eliminate the cost of regular sales promotions. Wal-mart has also adopted a unique inventory system that that has allowed economies of scale resulting in a reduction in the costs of sales. Wal-Mart takes advantage in its being able to purchase in bulk and selling the goods itself. The strategy has served Wal-Mart-well over the years as evidenced by its unprecedented growth . Wal-Mart offers a selection of goods based on their customer's requirements. They are low on high-end goods because of the belief that people need discounted prices on practical products as opposed to the expensive brand name goods. Wal-Mart relies on their convenience and low prices. Wal-Mart does not have specific sections for specific brands. Snapper on the other hand is convinced that customers are different and targets high-end users. Believing that their customer's primary motivation would be performance and the longevity not low price. The Wal-Mart's popularity is mainly due to the following Every Day Low Price strategy. This has proved to be an all time winner mainly